Why can’t I find my apartment on Wunderflats.com?
In order for you to find your apartment on Wunderflats.com, the listing must be published and then activated by us. To do this, we first have to verify you.
How can I publish a listing?
After logging in, you will find an overview of all your listings in your dashboard. There you can select the corresponding one to enter the editing mode. Click on "Publish" to complete your listing. We will then contact you by email to arrange an appointment for a verification call. Once we have been in contact with each other and have verified you, we will activate the listing for you and thus put it online.
My apartment is online, why can't I find it anyway?
Please check whether the period you are looking for matches the availability calendar and the minimum rental period of your flat. It is also possible that you cannot find your flat directly on the first pages of the search results.
Still can't find your apartment?
Please contact our Customer Support Team:
phone: +49 (0)30 120 86 22 0
email: [email protected]
For a successful listing, we have put together some tips for you. For example here:
How can I attract more prospective tenants to my listing? Or in our Hub.